Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

+ MaRcH 9th +

On last Sunday, my grandma and aunty slept over for 1 night in my house after saw William. The next day, I got up and saw my aunty wasn’t at home. After a while, she came back. She bought some snacks at Prima Rasa. When we were eating, my mother asked all of us to go to PVJ and have lunch at The Duck King because it had been a long time since we ate together with grandma and aunty.
We arrived there at 2 p.m. and went to The Duck King before went sight-seeing. When my eldest sister arrived at the Duck King, she told us that two teenagers saw William and said he was cute. My elder sister and I laughed.
After finished eat, we went sight-seeing. However my mom told my eldest sister to go home because William was still too young to go out long. My elder sister, her boyfriend, and I went together. We went to the pet shop, Gramedia, and Bread Talk. After that, we went to Charmie. My sister called mom to tell that we were at Charmie and asked where she was. My mom, my aunty, and my grandma were going to Papaya before met us. After that, we went home.

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