Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

..at hOme WitH mY eLdeR SisTeR..

I stayed at home with my elder sister on last Sunday.
Since her boyfriend had a family thing that day, my sister accompanied me at home. My eldest sister went out with her husband and William so there were only both of us at home. My mom went to Jakarta with her friends and my dad was at office.
At lunch time, we ordered some food and decided to watch Bride Wars which I bought on Saturday. While watching the movie, we felt bored because the movie was not interesting and sleepy. So both of us watched it and also I did my homework whether my sister did her office’s assignments.
After the movie finished, it started to rain so we turned off the TV and read books. In the evening, I was going to see the difference between my Twilight movie and my friend’s. Then, my sister decided to watch it although she did not really like it since it was a teenager movie, she said. However, she enjoyed the movie and I was happy to watch it with my sister.^^ Twilight would be one of my favorite movie ever. o^^o

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