Senin, 16 Maret 2009

..LSDP ..

On Friday, Mr. Stefanus came into the class. He wanted to give some information about LSDP to Singapore.
He told us that we would go to Singapore around May. Then he said that he got cheap tickets from Air Asia, however the booking time only until March 15th 2009 and school would tell parents about it in the end of March. So if we wanted cheaper tickets, we could come to school on Saturday and bring photocopy passport with 3 million rupiah to book the ticket and other things. Soon after that, Ma’am EP came in and told us that she would give us the theme for our project there, that’s include History, Economy, Sociology, Geography, and Pkn. I got Geography with Jelinda, Joshua, and Nadya. Although that made we would had thingd to do project, we were happy because we could go there as the refreshment after final exam.^^
I can’t wait until May to go to Singapore with my friends! >,<

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