Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

* JeL’s BiRthDaY CeLebRatioN *

On March 7th, 2009 Jelinda invited Happy 3 Families and some of her friends to celebrate her birthday in Hanamasa IP.
She asked all of us on Thursday. I said that I was not sure I could come because I got a plan. She hoped that I could rearrange the plan and come to Hanamasa, I would try. However, Mario and Joshua couldn’t come because Mario had to go to Javajazz with his family and Joshua went to Pangandaran.
On Friday, I told her that I had changed the plan but I still couldn’t come because there was no one picked me up. Then, she said that she would drive me home.
After I finished my English course, Jelinda said that she had already there and asked me to come as soon as possible. I went to Hanamasa and there was no one except Jelinda herself. After a while, Kevin and Jonathan came, a friend of Jelinda came next. When I asked Jelinda where Michelle was, she said that Michelle couldn’t come because she was still in church. However, I saw Jonathan and Kevin smiled so I asked them and Kevin whispered to me that Michelle prepared a surprise for Jelinda and she was waiting for a friend, Ira. When Michelle and Ira came in, we were laughing because there was a mistake to surprise her. A waiter was asked to tell Jelinda that her mother was waiting and wanted Jelinda to go there, Jelinda called her mother to ask where she was and her mother answered that she was at home. That’s really funny. ^^

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