Senin, 30 Maret 2009

* HiLtoN hOteL *

Last Thursday I went to Hilton Hotel with my dad and mom.
My dad was meeting his friend there. I was surprised when I arrived there because Hilton was a great beautiful place. I thought that we would be there only for one or two hours, however we were there for 4 hours! It was a little bit frustrating since I had nothing to do there. Luckily, I brought my novel so I finished reading the last two chapters of New Moon. While reading it, I also sent SMS with Jelinda and Michelle. After finished, I started to make the book report.
I still had to wait for one hour after finished the book report. So I read again New Moon in the chapter when Bella went to Volterra to save Edward. Finally, my dad came to me and then we were going home!^^
Although I was there for a long time, I was happy could go and see the hotel.

Minggu, 29 Maret 2009

~ MaTh QuiZ ~

Last Monday, we had a math quiz as the preparation for next DUT about trigonometry. Trigonometry was hard and I could not understand it easily.
Since I did not understand trigonometry well, when I had a math course on Saturday I learned it with Gloria and Michelle. We did some exercises from math workbook. On Sunday, I studied it again and tried to understand it more.
On Monday, I scared that I could not do it well however I was really lucky. The questions from the quiz were taken from the workbook, so I could it well for number 1 and quite well for the rest.
However, I still had to study more for the next DUT on Monday. I hope the test would not too hard and I could do the test plus get a good mark. hOme WitH mY eLdeR SisTeR..

I stayed at home with my elder sister on last Sunday.
Since her boyfriend had a family thing that day, my sister accompanied me at home. My eldest sister went out with her husband and William so there were only both of us at home. My mom went to Jakarta with her friends and my dad was at office.
At lunch time, we ordered some food and decided to watch Bride Wars which I bought on Saturday. While watching the movie, we felt bored because the movie was not interesting and sleepy. So both of us watched it and also I did my homework whether my sister did her office’s assignments.
After the movie finished, it started to rain so we turned off the TV and read books. In the evening, I was going to see the difference between my Twilight movie and my friend’s. Then, my sister decided to watch it although she did not really like it since it was a teenager movie, she said. However, she enjoyed the movie and I was happy to watch it with my sister.^^ Twilight would be one of my favorite movie ever. o^^o

Sabtu, 28 Maret 2009

+ iNge +

Inge got back to Indonesia on March 14th and returned to Singapore on March 21st.
On March 14th, Inge sent a message to all of her friends to tell that she had arrived last night. She asked to hang out before she had to go back there. When I met Kevin at school that day, he said happily that Inge would come to school on Monday.
Since regular classes were having TTS, we went home at 12.10. So, Kevin told Inge to come to school at 12.00. When Inge came into the class, all of us were cheering for Kevin. It was fun!^^ Unfortunately, I had to go home because I had a Mandarin course.
Since then, I hadn’t had any chances to meet her again. Surprisingly, when I went to English course with Gloria and Michelle on Thursday, I met Inge there. She was finished talking with Gloria’s mother. Then, all of us went outside together and I asked Inge to come to school for the last time before she went to Singapore.
Happy 3 Families, especially Kevin, couldn’t wait till met Inge again. ^^

Senin, 16 Maret 2009

~ WenT ouT ~

I went to BEC and Pagarsih with my elder sister and her boyfriend last Sunday.
We planned to leave home at 10 a.m. however we did left at 11.30. We decided to have lunch first, after that we went to BEC to buy a new cellphone for my uncle. It took quite a long time to buy it. Then, we went upstairs because my sister’s boyfriend wanted to see notebook and my sister was looking for a camera.
After saw some cameras, she decided to buy it later and we left BEC. As soon as we arrived in the car, my eldest sister called and asked where we were. We said that we had just finished from BEC and on the way to Pagarsih to buy movies. She said to go home immediately to accompany William because she needed to do something. So we only exchanged some movies and my sister’s boyfriend bought some. After that we went home and accompanied William.

..LSDP ..

On Friday, Mr. Stefanus came into the class. He wanted to give some information about LSDP to Singapore.
He told us that we would go to Singapore around May. Then he said that he got cheap tickets from Air Asia, however the booking time only until March 15th 2009 and school would tell parents about it in the end of March. So if we wanted cheaper tickets, we could come to school on Saturday and bring photocopy passport with 3 million rupiah to book the ticket and other things. Soon after that, Ma’am EP came in and told us that she would give us the theme for our project there, that’s include History, Economy, Sociology, Geography, and Pkn. I got Geography with Jelinda, Joshua, and Nadya. Although that made we would had thingd to do project, we were happy because we could go there as the refreshment after final exam.^^
I can’t wait until May to go to Singapore with my friends! >,<

Minggu, 15 Maret 2009

+ MaRcH 9th +

On last Sunday, my grandma and aunty slept over for 1 night in my house after saw William. The next day, I got up and saw my aunty wasn’t at home. After a while, she came back. She bought some snacks at Prima Rasa. When we were eating, my mother asked all of us to go to PVJ and have lunch at The Duck King because it had been a long time since we ate together with grandma and aunty.
We arrived there at 2 p.m. and went to The Duck King before went sight-seeing. When my eldest sister arrived at the Duck King, she told us that two teenagers saw William and said he was cute. My elder sister and I laughed.
After finished eat, we went sight-seeing. However my mom told my eldest sister to go home because William was still too young to go out long. My elder sister, her boyfriend, and I went together. We went to the pet shop, Gramedia, and Bread Talk. After that, we went to Charmie. My sister called mom to tell that we were at Charmie and asked where she was. My mom, my aunty, and my grandma were going to Papaya before met us. After that, we went home.

* JeL’s BiRthDaY CeLebRatioN *

On March 7th, 2009 Jelinda invited Happy 3 Families and some of her friends to celebrate her birthday in Hanamasa IP.
She asked all of us on Thursday. I said that I was not sure I could come because I got a plan. She hoped that I could rearrange the plan and come to Hanamasa, I would try. However, Mario and Joshua couldn’t come because Mario had to go to Javajazz with his family and Joshua went to Pangandaran.
On Friday, I told her that I had changed the plan but I still couldn’t come because there was no one picked me up. Then, she said that she would drive me home.
After I finished my English course, Jelinda said that she had already there and asked me to come as soon as possible. I went to Hanamasa and there was no one except Jelinda herself. After a while, Kevin and Jonathan came, a friend of Jelinda came next. When I asked Jelinda where Michelle was, she said that Michelle couldn’t come because she was still in church. However, I saw Jonathan and Kevin smiled so I asked them and Kevin whispered to me that Michelle prepared a surprise for Jelinda and she was waiting for a friend, Ira. When Michelle and Ira came in, we were laughing because there was a mistake to surprise her. A waiter was asked to tell Jelinda that her mother was waiting and wanted Jelinda to go there, Jelinda called her mother to ask where she was and her mother answered that she was at home. That’s really funny. ^^

Senin, 02 Maret 2009

~ WiLLiaM 3rd MonTh biRthDaY ~

Today is also my nephew third month birthday.
William has been in my house since last week because my sister accompanied my mom and also need my mom’s help a little bit to take care of William. Last Monday, William was brought to doctor because he got influenza. The doctor said that it was from virus, however my mom said that he maybe would do something. My mom statement proved on Wednesday, William started learning to move his body to face down. The next day, he could face down directly. Wow! That’s cute and funny to see him like that. My elder sister and me sometimes laughed when he couldn’t face down directly and he got annoyed. His face was so funny. o^^o
Yesterday, my eldest sister and her husband went to buy clothes for William, so William stayed at home with my mom and me. My mom gave him milk, however he has been really hard to drink it. He sometimes played the pacifier whether drink it, he was a little bit playful boy.
Time passed so fast and William has already been three months old.^^

..MaRcH 2nd..

Today is Jelinda’s birthday and also the first day Michelle goes to school since she went to Korea.
I arrived at school only 3 minutes before the bell rang. Soon after I put my bag, I said happy birthday to Jelinda and hugged her. Then, Michelle gave me a shirt from Korea and I thanked her with smile.
When Ma’am Yenih as the class teacher came into the class, Happy 3 Families told her that today is Jelinda’s birthday and we sang happy birthday. After that, she asked Michelle to go forward and tell us about her experience there. Michelle also brought snacks which was given to her from Korea Government and she gave it to X-2 members include Ma’am Yenih.
When the second break time, we was being mischief to Michelle as the welcome back from Korea. It was nice to see Michelle here again.^^

* HaNg ouT *

Last Saturday I went to PVJ with my friends and watched Pink Panther 2.
Kevin asked Happy 3 Families to watch Pink Panther 2 last Monday. When he was asking, Jansen said to watch it with all X-2 students so I wrote the announcement on the white board. However, on Friday almost all students except Happy 3 Families said that they couldn’t go, only Steven and Albert that could join to watch Pink Panther 2. Happy 3 Families hoped that Michelle had already come back to Indonesia and could watch with us. We decided to watch at 5 p.m. since I had courses until 1.30 p.m. I went to PVJ with Jelinda and Kevin. We decided to buy 9 tickets and then went sight-seeing until the movie time. Jelinda said that Michelle could watch with us although she would come late.
The movie had already started for one hour when Michelle joined us. She sat next to me, I hugged her and welcomed her back to Indonesia. After the movie finished, we had dinner at Shin Men. We finished eat at around 8 p.m and then went home.
It was so much fun! All of us were having a great time together. ^^

+ coLd +

I got cold since Wednesday 18 February 2009. It became worse and worse everyday.
Since my cold didn’t get better, my Mom told me not to go Math and English courses on Saturday. She wanted me to have a rest so that I could get some more sleep and my sickness would be better. I sent a message to Glory to inform that I couldn’t come to the courses and asked her to tell the teachers. She hoped that I would get well soon and I thanked her.
When I got up on Sunday I felt my cold was better, however I had a cough. I coughed quite often and that made me sicked. Fortunately, on Monday I didn’t have any homework so I could rest without worry. I decided to go to school because I thought my sickness was better. When I got up on Monday morning, I felt dizzy and my cough was quite terrible so I called my mom. She asked me whether I could go to school or not and I wasn’t so sure that I could study well. She decided not to take me to school and told me to have some more rest so I could go to school on Tuesday.
I hate cold! >.< It makes me feel a little bit dizzy and that’s tiring.