Sabtu, 11 April 2009 BSM..

Since last Thursday was a holiday, I went to BSM with glory.
I arrived at glory’s home and we walked to BSM. As soon as we arrived there, we went to BSM XXI to buy 2 tickets for Fast and Furious. When we got upstairs, there were a lot of people there waiting to buy tickets. There was information which said that the cinema would open at 1 o’clock. Since it was 12.25, we went to Stroberi, Bunga, and Gramedia. Then, we went back to XXI and started to make a queue.
After waiting for a quite long time, we got to the cashier and asked for Fast and Furious. Unfortunately, it was full already so we decided to watch Knowing. Glory who had saw the trailer said that the movie was quite interesting and the lead actor had played National Treasure. National Treasure was a great movie too, she said.
Knowing was cool and unbelievable. It was one of the best movies I have ever watched. ^^

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