I went to PVJ with Glory and Agnes yesterday.
Glory and I arrived at PVJ at about 11 a.m. We went to Blitz to buy the tickets first. We planned to watch Super Hap, however the schedule was too late for me since I had a Mandarin course at half past three. Glory told Agnes and we chose Contract Killers to be watched. Then, both of us walked while waiting for Agnes who would come at noon.
After Agnes came, we went to Carrefour to buy snacks. While we were walking, we chattered about everything, I thought. It was pretty much that we were chattering. ^^
Then, we went to Blitz and waited there. When we went to the audio, there were only six people including us! That was unpredictable. The movie was quite interesting though I didn’t get the main idea and confused at first.
After finished watching, we took some pictures and that was a lot of fun although people would think that was a little bit weird.^^
Jumat, 24 April 2009
* gLoRy’s HouSe *
During this UN holiday, I quite often went to Glory’s house to do homework together.
Since we got a lot of homework for UN holiday, Glory and I did it together. On last Friday, I went to her house and did Math homework. Before doing it, Glory and I chatted for a while. ^^ After finished doing Math homework, we had lunch and watched National Treasure 2 as entertainment. On Wednesday, we did Chemistry homework although we got different task, it was better to do it with a friend so it was pretty fun. Then, we went to Math course together after watching National Treasure although it hadn’t finished yet. Yesterday, we did Grammar homework and then we went to PVJ to watch movie with Agnes since Clara and Michelle couldn’t join us. >.<
Since we got a lot of homework for UN holiday, Glory and I did it together. On last Friday, I went to her house and did Math homework. Before doing it, Glory and I chatted for a while. ^^ After finished doing Math homework, we had lunch and watched National Treasure 2 as entertainment. On Wednesday, we did Chemistry homework although we got different task, it was better to do it with a friend so it was pretty fun. Then, we went to Math course together after watching National Treasure although it hadn’t finished yet. Yesterday, we did Grammar homework and then we went to PVJ to watch movie with Agnes since Clara and Michelle couldn’t join us. >.<
Kamis, 23 April 2009
+ HoMewoRk +
After celebrating Easter, on Wednesday and Thursday all students want back to school. From Friday until next Friday, X and XI grade students stayed at home since XII grade students had UN.
I thought this UN holiday would be quite fun, however I was pretty wrong. Whether had fun, I had almost a stressful holiday. I got a lot of homework from school. Almost every subject gave us homework. Wow! All students in my class were hysterics by homework, actually almost all students. ^^
After finishing school, I waited for Glory and Michelle since we had English course together. While waiting for them, I went to library and searched for Indonesia homework. However there was none, all of them had been borrowed by regular classes. No longer after that, Glory and Michelle came out. Then, we went to canteen, Glory and I planned to do homework together so it wouldn’t be too stressful and we could chat a little bit. ^o^
I thought this UN holiday would be quite fun, however I was pretty wrong. Whether had fun, I had almost a stressful holiday. I got a lot of homework from school. Almost every subject gave us homework. Wow! All students in my class were hysterics by homework, actually almost all students. ^^
After finishing school, I waited for Glory and Michelle since we had English course together. While waiting for them, I went to library and searched for Indonesia homework. However there was none, all of them had been borrowed by regular classes. No longer after that, Glory and Michelle came out. Then, we went to canteen, Glory and I planned to do homework together so it wouldn’t be too stressful and we could chat a little bit. ^o^
.. My eLdesT SisTeR B’daY ..
Last Tuesday was my eldest sister birthday.
While I was waiting for Glory at GKI Kebonjati, I sent my sister a birthday message. Then, I got a little busy for the preparation Easter celebration.
After I finished watching Fast and Furious, I got home and my mom told me to get ready since we would go to Eastern. I got confused and asked the reason why we went to Eastern, my mom told me that today was my eldest sister birthday and we ate to celebrate her birthday. OMG, I forgot that we would celebrate her birthday! I hadn’t studied yet for Chemistry DUT on Wednesday. >.<
As soon as my dad, my mom, and I arrived at IP, I called my sister to ask where she was. Since she had just left her house, my mom and I went upstairs sight-seeing whether my dad stayed at Eastern and talked to his friend there. When my mom and I got back there, everyone had arrived. We ordered food and ate. After that, my sister’s husband bought a birthday cake and turned on the candles. I took some pictures while she made a wish. Then, she blew the candle and I took pictures of my sister, her husband and also William.
While I was waiting for Glory at GKI Kebonjati, I sent my sister a birthday message. Then, I got a little busy for the preparation Easter celebration.
After I finished watching Fast and Furious, I got home and my mom told me to get ready since we would go to Eastern. I got confused and asked the reason why we went to Eastern, my mom told me that today was my eldest sister birthday and we ate to celebrate her birthday. OMG, I forgot that we would celebrate her birthday! I hadn’t studied yet for Chemistry DUT on Wednesday. >.<
As soon as my dad, my mom, and I arrived at IP, I called my sister to ask where she was. Since she had just left her house, my mom and I went upstairs sight-seeing whether my dad stayed at Eastern and talked to his friend there. When my mom and I got back there, everyone had arrived. We ordered food and ate. After that, my sister’s husband bought a birthday cake and turned on the candles. I took some pictures while she made a wish. Then, she blew the candle and I took pictures of my sister, her husband and also William.
~ FaSt & FuRiOuS ~
After the Easter celebration, we went to Clara’s house first since it was too early to go to Ciwalk.
Clara gave us a lot of movies for us to choose and Agnes picked up Bride Wars. While we were watching, suddenly Agnes screamed. Glory and I was confused and then we saw Clara’s dog. We immediately asked Clara to put her dog away. After we finished watching Bride Wars, we went to Ciwalk since it had already been 12 o’clock.
As soon as we arrived at Ciwalk, it was 15 minutes left to watch movie from the schedule so we immediately went upstairs. Luckily, XXI wasn’t full and we could go to cashier without waiting. Clara and Agnes watched Knowing, Glory and I watched Fast and Furious. Clara and Agnes had already watched Fast and Furious, Glory and I had already watched Knowing. It was funny. ^^ Then, we separated, Agnes and Clara bought some snacks whether Glory and I went to studio since the film had already started.
Fast and Furious was incredible, it was great and amazing! Glory and I went home earlier than Clara and Agnes since Knowing took a little longer time than Fast and Furious.
Clara gave us a lot of movies for us to choose and Agnes picked up Bride Wars. While we were watching, suddenly Agnes screamed. Glory and I was confused and then we saw Clara’s dog. We immediately asked Clara to put her dog away. After we finished watching Bride Wars, we went to Ciwalk since it had already been 12 o’clock.
As soon as we arrived at Ciwalk, it was 15 minutes left to watch movie from the schedule so we immediately went upstairs. Luckily, XXI wasn’t full and we could go to cashier without waiting. Clara and Agnes watched Knowing, Glory and I watched Fast and Furious. Clara and Agnes had already watched Fast and Furious, Glory and I had already watched Knowing. It was funny. ^^ Then, we separated, Agnes and Clara bought some snacks whether Glory and I went to studio since the film had already started.
Fast and Furious was incredible, it was great and amazing! Glory and I went home earlier than Clara and Agnes since Knowing took a little longer time than Fast and Furious.
Selasa, 14 April 2009
+ eaSteR CeLebRaTioN +
Today we celebrated Easter at GKI Kebonjati.
I am in tambourine extracurricular so I performed in the church. I arrived at 6.10 and I waited Glory who arrived at 6.15, then we came into the church. At half past six we started to get ready. All of us went into the restroom and changed the clothes. While waiting for the teachers, we started to do rehearsal since yesterday we didn’t practice well. After waiting half an hour, the tambourine teachers arrived and started to put accessories to all of us. It took quite long time although Bu Sugih had helped. Then, we waited until our turn.
After finished performed, the tambourine teachers said that our performance quite well and we took pictures together. ^^ After Glory, Agnes, and I changed our outfits, we went outside and met Clara since we planned to go to Ciwalk to watch movie.
I am in tambourine extracurricular so I performed in the church. I arrived at 6.10 and I waited Glory who arrived at 6.15, then we came into the church. At half past six we started to get ready. All of us went into the restroom and changed the clothes. While waiting for the teachers, we started to do rehearsal since yesterday we didn’t practice well. After waiting half an hour, the tambourine teachers arrived and started to put accessories to all of us. It took quite long time although Bu Sugih had helped. Then, we waited until our turn.
After finished performed, the tambourine teachers said that our performance quite well and we took pictures together. ^^ After Glory, Agnes, and I changed our outfits, we went outside and met Clara since we planned to go to Ciwalk to watch movie.
Sabtu, 11 April 2009
* IP *
Last Saturday, I went to IP with Glory.
Yesterday, I had math course and I didn’t go there with my friend as usual because her cousins came here and she had to accompany them. So, I went there with my dad. I finished my homework there. Then, Glory and I had planned to go to IP and Glory’s dad took us there.
When we arrived there, we went to food court and ate Mi Hotplate since it was 12 p.m. already. After that, we went to Gramedia because I had to buy something for my mom. Then we went to Game Master and played some games. At 2 p.m. we walked to Mentor and I asked my dad to pick me up there. It was raining outside so Glory called her mom and asked her to bring umbrella for us. We walked quickly to Mentor and hoped the rain wouldn’t become heavy until we arrived at Mentor. Fortunately, it wasn’t so we didn’t get wet. ^^
Yesterday, I had math course and I didn’t go there with my friend as usual because her cousins came here and she had to accompany them. So, I went there with my dad. I finished my homework there. Then, Glory and I had planned to go to IP and Glory’s dad took us there.
When we arrived there, we went to food court and ate Mi Hotplate since it was 12 p.m. already. After that, we went to Gramedia because I had to buy something for my mom. Then we went to Game Master and played some games. At 2 p.m. we walked to Mentor and I asked my dad to pick me up there. It was raining outside so Glory called her mom and asked her to bring umbrella for us. We walked quickly to Mentor and hoped the rain wouldn’t become heavy until we arrived at Mentor. Fortunately, it wasn’t so we didn’t get wet. ^^
~ReVoLutiOn 2~
Last Friday was Good Friday and I went to Revolution 2 ICU, GRaBS Easter celebration.
On Wednesday, Jelinda, Michelle, and I decided to do Math assignment before going to church. Then, Jelinda called me and said that we would do it at my house. So we could buy things for Easter celebration at school in Carrefour and immediately go to the church.
Michelle and Jelinda came to my house at 10 a.m. and we did the assignment. Michelle called Mario to come to my house and go to Carrefour together and he agreed. We left at half past eleven. As soon as we arrived there, we started to buy things because Michelle had to be in the church at half past one.
In the church, I met some friends from SMAK 1. It was the time to start Revolution and Kevin, Mario, Michelle, Jelinda, and I sat in a row.
Revolution 2 was great, it was a pity that I didn’t come on Revolution 1 last year. >,<
On Wednesday, Jelinda, Michelle, and I decided to do Math assignment before going to church. Then, Jelinda called me and said that we would do it at my house. So we could buy things for Easter celebration at school in Carrefour and immediately go to the church.
Michelle and Jelinda came to my house at 10 a.m. and we did the assignment. Michelle called Mario to come to my house and go to Carrefour together and he agreed. We left at half past eleven. As soon as we arrived there, we started to buy things because Michelle had to be in the church at half past one.
In the church, I met some friends from SMAK 1. It was the time to start Revolution and Kevin, Mario, Michelle, Jelinda, and I sat in a row.
Revolution 2 was great, it was a pity that I didn’t come on Revolution 1 last year. >,<
..at BSM..
Since last Thursday was a holiday, I went to BSM with glory.
I arrived at glory’s home and we walked to BSM. As soon as we arrived there, we went to BSM XXI to buy 2 tickets for Fast and Furious. When we got upstairs, there were a lot of people there waiting to buy tickets. There was information which said that the cinema would open at 1 o’clock. Since it was 12.25, we went to Stroberi, Bunga, and Gramedia. Then, we went back to XXI and started to make a queue.
After waiting for a quite long time, we got to the cashier and asked for Fast and Furious. Unfortunately, it was full already so we decided to watch Knowing. Glory who had saw the trailer said that the movie was quite interesting and the lead actor had played National Treasure. National Treasure was a great movie too, she said.
Knowing was cool and unbelievable. It was one of the best movies I have ever watched. ^^
I arrived at glory’s home and we walked to BSM. As soon as we arrived there, we went to BSM XXI to buy 2 tickets for Fast and Furious. When we got upstairs, there were a lot of people there waiting to buy tickets. There was information which said that the cinema would open at 1 o’clock. Since it was 12.25, we went to Stroberi, Bunga, and Gramedia. Then, we went back to XXI and started to make a queue.
After waiting for a quite long time, we got to the cashier and asked for Fast and Furious. Unfortunately, it was full already so we decided to watch Knowing. Glory who had saw the trailer said that the movie was quite interesting and the lead actor had played National Treasure. National Treasure was a great movie too, she said.
Knowing was cool and unbelievable. It was one of the best movies I have ever watched. ^^
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