Senin, 16 Februari 2009
* VaLenTiNe’s Day *
As soon as we arrived there I asked for Twilight movie and the movie wasn’t original yet. However Christy decided to buy it, because she hadn’t watched it and she really wanted to watch it since I told her–almost everytime I met her–that I loved the movie so much and of course Edward Cullen. ^^
When we were on the way going home, she asked me whether I would like to watch Twilight again with her and I said yes. It so great to watch Twilight again ^^. After it finished, I thanked her and went home because I had to go to my cousin’s house.
At my cousin’s house, I ate satay and meatball. After finishing eat, I took care of my nephew because my eldest sister wanted to eat. While I took care of him, I read Twilight for about 40 pages. After that, I had conversations with my cousin and had some new songs from him. My family and I went home at 11 p.m.
Now, I almost finish reading Twilight, just about 40 more pages and I’m pretty sure that I can finish it before the deadline.
..HaPpy VaLenTiNe..
Usually SMAK 1 make Valentine Event, however this year SMAK 1 didn’t make the event because the school didn’t have a permission from police. That made some students felt a little bit sad especially X grade, because we didn’t have a chance to have some fun for the event. So, to celebrate Valentine all students were wearing pink or white clothes on last Friday 13 February 2009 since Valentine’s Day was on Saturday.
When I went to school on Friday, I felt a little bit strange because everyone wasn’t wearing uniform. Happy 3 Families planned to switch chocolate on Friday, however only Kevin, Jelinda, Michelle, and me who brought it and we switched it right after the bell rang. At last, I got some chocolate from my friends.
I just wanna say Happy Valentine’s Day!! o^^o
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
~ aN exHauStiNg WeeK ~
This week was really exhausting. We got DUTs and some homework. The only day without any homework and DUTs was Tuesday.
On Monday, I had math DUT and task as I had written. It was bad enough for the first day in a week. I got no homework for Tuesday so I read Twilight for the english assignment. On Wednesday, I got physics DUT about heat and I had to face Bahasa DUT on Thursday. I thought the Bahasa DUT would have some numbers, however it was only one number and the answer was pretty long – almost 4 pages. Even Jelinda, Joshua, and Kevin wrote for 5 pages. Yesterday, I faced English DUT, chemistry homework, and I had quizzes for Chemistry and Biology as Valentine’s present. That was a little bit strange,right? Why didn't Ma'am Yenih and Ms. Wasti give all students chocolate? Hehehe..
I was really tired this week and I was grateful that my exhausting week has already passed. ^^
Kamis, 12 Februari 2009
> tRigoNoMetRy is StReSSfuL <
In that day, all X-CIP students had Trigonometry DUT and we had to submit the task, which was 6 execises from the workbook. When Sir Yudiono told us to do task I thought that it wouldn’t be too hard and I could finished it before the deadline, however I was wrong. I couldn’t do it so I did it together with my friends when we had Mathematics course together. It was so much exercises to do, I got a little bit stress. I spent my weekend to do the task and tried to understand it.
Finally, the nightmare day came. I tried to have positive thinking, I could do the DUT because I had already studied and done the task. Before getting the paper, I prayed to God and I did the DUT. However, the DUT was hard!! I got confused and wasn’t sure enough that I got the correct answer. After we finished the DUT, I immediately asked Kevin the answer and I was pretty glad, there was 2 number that Kevin got the same answers with me. o^^o
I hope that I would get pretty good mark (not below 40) ^^. Just wait and see the result.
Minggu, 01 Februari 2009
+ HaPPy cHiNeSe NeW YeaR +
On Chinese New Year’s Eve, my father’s family celebrated Chinese New Year in my house. The event started at 7.30 p.m because my aunty and her family had to go her husband’s mother. We ate juanlo and my aunty made cocktail. It was delicious.
My eldest sister told me earlier that William would wear the cloth that I chose. I couldn’t wait to see him. Finally, they came at 6 p.m. William was so cute in that cloth and my elder sister immediately took a photo. He was also so chubby, made me wanted to pinch his cheek. >.<
After finishing ate, my cousins played computer game and I read novel that I bought. Suddenly, there were fireworks in front of my house and I looked outside. It was my neighbour and I told my cousins to come outside to see the fireworks. The fireworks were awesome. All of us were amazed. ^o^
* My NepHeW *
He was born on 2 December 2008 at 09.23 a.m, Borromeus Hospital. My family and I went there to accompany my sister that had already there since 1 December night with her husband. I went there too because I went to school at 11 a.m only to take Biology remedial. When nurse brought him out from operation room, all of us was surprised because he was big – 4 kilograms with 54 centimeters. Maybe it was because my sister didn't feel sick and she ate much.^u^
On 2 January 2009, my grandma, my mother, and me went to my sister’s house because William had already one month. He was wearing new cloth, altough actually the cloth was for 5 months old. So, there were some clothes that wasn’t big enough for him.
Sometimes, William is brought to my house with my eldest sister. My elder sister and me can’t wait to arrive at home when we know that he is at home.
Although I still feel a little bit strange because now I have already become aunty, but I’m happy.
~ TwiLighT ~
We went to Ciwalk by Mario’s Car. As soon as we arrived, we went to Ciwalk XXI and bought the tickets. I told to them that my sister’s friend had watched it and said that it was so sweet and Edward Cullen was gorgeous. And they said that my sister’s friend was too overreacting and I agreed with them.
However, my sister’s friend wasn’t overreacting, Edward was gorgeous and the story was so sweet too. Jelinda, Michelle, and me was hoping that there would be that kind of love and the guy in this world.^^ Only Mario who didn’t look like enjoy the movie, he said that he felt sleepy after we went out the studio and three of us surprisingly looked at him because we couldn’t believe and we concluded that boys had different point of view about Twilight movie. They didn’t feel that it was great story because it was about love.
I like the movie so much and Edward Cullen too, actually. ^^
..LasT daY in fiRst SeMesteR..
I had to arrived to the church at 6 a.m because my extrakurikuler performed and we had to practise on the stage. After we practised once, we tried to find another place to practise whether other students went inside the building. Time passed so fast and it was time to perform. All of us prayed together before we went to the stage, hoped that we could perform well. After we finished, we thanked to God and joined the others to see the rest of celebration.
The celebration had finished and CIP students had to go to school to take report. I felt scared about the result because I knew that I hadn’t given my best to study. Then, Ma’am Yenih gave each of us the report and I felt a little bit surprised about my result. It was better than I had expected. I was really glad and I could enjoy my holiday. ^^