Sabtu, 20 September 2008

gReat MeMoRieS at PaNgaNdaRaN #1

Last week, grade 10 went to Pangandaran. On 10th September 2008, we gathered at 6 a.m in front of GOR Padjajaran. We were separated into 2 groups; X-A, X-B, X-Aks, with X-CIP classes and X-C to X-F. My class is united with X-1 in the bus, it was so much fun. ^^ Along the journey the bus was so noisy but all of us enjoyed it.

We arrived there at 8 p.m, 4 hours earlier than the schedule. So, we got a chance to go out until 10 p.m. We put our luggage in room hotel and walked along Kidang Pananjung Street. However, Kidang Pananjung street which is always crowded in holidays looked like dead street. We went back to Laut Biru hotel at 9.30 p.m and then played card.

We had a long day, so we went to bed at 11 p.m. The next day, we had a little long day too because we would go to Karapyak beach and surviving water with SPORA team.

Kamis, 18 September 2008

- frustrating day -

Today is a frustrating day for me and all of my classmates, I think. That’s because of our first DUT for Physics and Biology, and also Math homework.

First, I did my homework so after that I could study for DUT freely. However, the homework was too hard and I got stuck. At last, I gave up with the homework and liked better to study Physics with 2 chapters first to Biology with 3 chapters. An hour later, I finished and immediately continued with Biology because it had already at 8.30 p.m. Finally, I only studied for 1 chapter. Hehehe..

As I expected, Biology DUT is hard. I do not know what mark that I will get, but I hope I will not get bad mark. ^^ Physics DUT is not too hard if I compare it to Biology DUT. However, I only get 7.3 for Physics.