Selasa, 19 Agustus 2008

Finally.. ^^

Last Saturday I went to doctor because Mom worried about my illness and at the same day Mom and Dad would go to Singapore to accompany my aunty to check up. That’s why she brought me to the doctor. After the doctor was seeing me and he said I’m okey, my mom felt relaxed. The doctor also gave me some medicine for 6 days. Dad bought medicine so I could drank the medicine when we arrived at home.
Mom and Dad went to Jakarta in the evening and she said to me that I had to eat and drink medicine on time so I would get well soon. Luckily, the next morning when I got up, I felt better. My sister asked whether I felt okey or still the same like yesterday. I answered immediately that I felt okey. When Mom arrived in Singapore,she called me and asked the same question as my sister. She felt really happy when I told her that I’m fine.

Jumat, 15 Agustus 2008


I have been getting headache since yesterday. When I woke up this morning, I pushed myself to go to school. Because of that, my illness get worse. So, I am going home at 11.30 a.m. When I arrived at home, I went to sleep. I just woke up at 2 p.m and after that I had my lunch. My mom wondered if I got headache because the day before yesterday I took a bath too late. I hope I will get well soon. ^^

Some of my friends are tested Asean Scholarship today and also tommorow. Some my friends which are from SMPK 1 has already joined ACS and Anderson scholarship, but only some of them are accepted. So they join Asean Scholarship,they wonder if they will be accepted or not. They had already prepared their self to join Asean Scholarship and if they are accepted they will go in January. For my friends who are going to Singapore for ACS and Anderson scholarship, they will go in October.

Senin, 04 Agustus 2008

WenT OuT WitH X-2

Last Tuesday my friends and I watched The Dark Knight at PVJ because Wednesday was a holiday. Actually we planned to watch it with all the members of X-2 class, but unfortunately some people in my class could not go. So, only 9 people – Michelle, Jelinda, Inge, Nadya, Queency, Albert, Jansen, Joshua, and me – who watched The Dark Knight.

We finished school at 12.10 and ate lunch first. At 13.20, Mario bought the tickets for us because some of us had not finished to eat our lunch. He said that we got on row L at 2 p.m, so we went to PVJ quickly. After we got there, we realized that Joshua was not there, so Jelinda and me called him and told him to come to PVJ quickly. At 13.55, we got into the theatre. We finished at 16.30 and I phoned my sister to pick up me soon. Waited until my sister picked up me, we walked to the pet shop and played at Game Master. Finally, it was only Jansen, Albert, Joshua, Michelle, and me, they accompanied me because my sister was on the way. We chatted in front of KFC for 10 minutes. When we were talking, my handphone rang and my sister said that 5 minutes later I had to go out PVJ and wait there. So, all of us went out PVJ at 6 p.m.

It was so fun went out with my friends like that.. ^^